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We are excited to announce that Dr. Kendra Pearson, a leading specialist in federal work-related injuries, is now certified as a Sixth Edition Impairment Rating Physician! This certification allows Dr. Pearson to offer comprehensive and accurate impairment ratings under the latest AMA guidelines, ensuring that federal employees receive the full benefits they deserve for their injuries. With clinic locations in both Kansas City and St. Louis, Dr. Pearson is passionate about helping federal workers get back on their feet.

If you are a federal employee, such as a postal worker, suffering from knee, shoulder, hip, wrist, or any other injury, getting a proper impairment rating is crucial to the success of your OWCP claim. Schedule an appointment today by calling 816-452-4488 or visiting

What is a Sixth Edition Impairment Rating?

Impairment ratings are critical in determining the extent of an employee’s permanent physical loss or damage after a work-related injury. The Sixth Edition of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment is the latest standard used to assess these impairments. This edition emphasizes evidence-based approaches, which provide a more accurate and fair evaluation for injured workers. The benefit? Federal employees can ensure that they receive the full compensation owed for their injuries through the OWCP Schedule Award process.

Why Choose Dr. Kendra Pearson?

Dr. Pearson stands out for her deep expertise and dedication to the federal workforce. With her certification in the Sixth Edition Impairment Rating, Dr. Pearson can help injured employees navigate the complexities of the federal workers’ compensation system and secure the benefits they are entitled to. She takes pride in serving those who serve our country, from postal workers to VA hospital employees.

As someone who understands the challenges federal workers face after injuries, Dr. Pearson provides personalized care, helping you get back to your job or receive the benefits needed for long-term recovery. She believes that no federal worker should struggle with their claim or worry about receiving fair compensation. By choosing her services, you’re ensuring that your case will be handled with the utmost professionalism and care.

Convenient Location for Out-of-Town Patients

For those located outside Kansas City, it’s easy to fly in for an impairment rating. Our Kansas City office is located just seven minutes from Kansas City International Airport (MCI). This convenient location makes it simple for federal employees from across the country to get the necessary care without the hassle. Dr. Pearson and her team are ready to assist you with every step of the OWCP process—from initial evaluations to the completion of your impairment rating.

Book Your Appointment Today!

Federal employees who have been injured and are looking to complete their OWCP claim, especially those seeking CA-1 or CA-2 assistance, should schedule their impairment rating as soon as possible. Dr. Kendra Pearson’s certification ensures that your impairment rating will be conducted according to the latest standards, giving your claim the highest chance of success.

Call 816-452-4488 to schedule your appointment today or visit Let Dr. Pearson and her expert team help you on the road to recovery!

Sixth Edition Impairment Rating, AMA Guides, Dr. Kendra Pearson, Kansas City impairment rating, OWCP schedule award, federal workers compensation, impairment rating physician Kansas City, injury evaluation, permanent impairment Kansas City, St. Louis impairment rating, OWCP claim assistance.


Frequently Asked Questions:

FAQs for Sixth Edition Impairment Ratings

1. What is a Sixth Edition Impairment Rating? The Sixth Edition Impairment Rating refers to the latest guidelines from the AMA Guides for evaluating permanent impairments. It provides a standardized way to assess the degree of an employee’s physical loss or damage from a work-related injury, which is crucial for OWCP schedule awards.

2. Why is the Sixth Edition used for impairment ratings? The Sixth Edition emphasizes an evidence-based approach, offering a more accurate and fair assessment of impairments. It helps ensure that federal employees receive appropriate compensation based on the most current medical standards.

3. Who can perform a Sixth Edition Impairment Rating? Only certified physicians, like Dr. Kendra Pearson, who are trained in the Sixth Edition of the AMA Guides can perform impairment ratings. This ensures that your evaluation follows the latest best practices for accuracy.

4. How does the Sixth Edition differ from previous editions? The Sixth Edition focuses more on functional outcomes and objective measurements, rather than subjective assessments. This allows for a more precise calculation of impairment, which benefits injured workers in receiving fair compensation.

5. How long does the impairment rating process take? The duration varies based on the complexity of your injury, but typically the evaluation and reporting can take a few hours to complete. Results will then be used to support your OWCP claim, ensuring timely processing of your benefits.