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Discover the Benefits of Genicular Artery Embolization (GAE) at Restore Muscle and Joint Clinic

If you’re suffering from osteoarthritis and looking for an effective, minimally invasive treatment, Genicular Artery Embolization (GAE) might be the solution you need. Performed by our highly skilled board-certified interventional radiologists, this procedure is one of the most advanced pain relief options available today.

What is Genicular Artery Embolization?

Genicular Artery Embolization is a minimally invasive procedure that targets the blood vessels supplying the knee joint. By embolizing these arteries, the procedure reduces inflammation and pain caused by osteoarthritis. This innovative treatment has shown promising results in clinical studies, significantly reducing pain and improving the quality of life for many patients.

Benefits of Genicular Artery Embolization

  • Minimally Invasive: The procedure requires only a small incision, reducing recovery time and minimizing the risk of complications.
  • Quick and Convenient: Performed in our state-of-the-art Office-Based Lab (OBL), patients are typically in and out of the clinic within an hour and a half.
  • Effective Pain Relief: Studies have shown that GAE can significantly reduce pain and improve mobility for patients with osteoarthritis.
  • Covered by Most Insurance Plans: Many insurance companies cover this procedure, making it accessible to those who need it most.

Why Choose Restore Muscle and Joint?

At Restore Muscle and Joint, we pride ourselves on offering the highest standard of care. Our team of interventional radiologists and orthopedic surgeons work together to provide comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs. With our GAE providers, you can trust that you’re in expert hands.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is Genicular Artery Embolization (GAE)? A: GAE is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces knee pain by blocking blood flow to inflamed areas of the knee joint.

Q: Who is a candidate for GAE? A: GAE is ideal for patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis who have not found relief through traditional treatments like medications or physical therapy.

Q: How long does the procedure take? A: The entire procedure, including preparation and recovery, typically takes about an hour and a half.

Q: Is GAE covered by insurance? A: Yes, most insurance companies cover Genicular Artery Embolization. Our office will assist you in verifying your coverage.

Q: What is the recovery time for GAE? A: Most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days after the procedure.

Q: What are the potential side effects? A: As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks, but GAE is generally considered safe with minimal side effects such as temporary pain or bruising at the incision site.

Q: How effective is GAE in reducing knee pain? A: Clinical studies have shown that GAE can significantly reduce knee pain and improve mobility for many patients suffering from osteoarthritis.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

If you’re ready to explore Genicular Artery Embolization as a treatment option for your osteoarthritis, contact Restore Muscle and Joint today to schedule a consultation. Our team is here to answer your questions and help you find the best path to pain relief and improved mobility.

Call us at 816-452-4488 Take the first step towards a pain-free life with Genicular Artery Embolization at Restore Muscle and Joint, where cutting-edge treatments and compassionate care come together.

Here are some research article that talk about the great success of the Genicular Artery Embolizations:

Genicular Artery Embolization Genesis Long Term Results Study

UCLA Genicular Artery Embolization

Journal of Clinical Medicine GAE


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