Concussion Treatment
Treatment for Concussions and Head Injuries in the Kansas City Area
Maybe you were involved in a motor vehicle accident. Maybe you took a blow as a youth during a sporting event. Maybe you just simply fell and hit your head. You might not have even lost consciousness or realized that in that moment, your brain was experiencing a concussion.
It may be immediately following the event, months after, or even years after before symptoms start to appear. Headaches. Light/sound sensitivity. Mood changes. Trouble focusing. Dizziness. Vision changes. There are a host of varying symptoms associated with concussions.
If Left Untreated
Unfortunately, left untreated even slight impact to the head in the future can exacerbate your condition. Fortunately, we can help improve your symptoms and overall quality of life so you can feel like YOU again.
with trauma to the head or neck. It isn’t required for a patient to notice loss of consciousness, as PCS often occurs without initial presenting symptoms and is not necessarily dependent upon severity of the initial injury. Symptoms of headache, dizziness/vertigo, and brain fog are often major associations. Patients often become very plastic, or efficient in brain pathways that should not be utilized. Therefore, we must detect these aberrant pathways and restore neuroplasticity to the healthy pathways. If not treated appropriately, patients can get frontal and temporal lobe demise via Tau protein and B- Post Concussion Syndrome, PCS, is a mild or Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI, which often occurs after an injury associated Amyloid deposits which have led many individuals to changes in behavior, violence or suicide.
- Headache, often at the base of the skull, behind the ears or traveling forward into the temples/eyes
- Pain or stiffness in the neck, often along the spine and the muscles along the sides
- Vertigo/dizziness/light-headed
- Difficulty reading
- Spatial awareness difficulty
- Disconnected feeling
- Lack of concentration/focus/memory
- Headache, pain, dizziness or blurriness during eye movements or focusing on an object
- Postural changes, shoulder blade tightness/discomfort

Who Is Susceptible:
- Athletes (including kids in school)
- Whiplash during Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Injuries sustained during otherwise normal Activities of Daily Living
- Falls
- Injury sustained to the head, severity does not often dictate PCS severity
Testing consists of a complete Neurological and Chiropractic evaluation, often including Sway Balance Testing . We will then analyze the data and determine a treatment plan or course of action that best suits the particular dysfunction occurring.
Sway Balance Testing
Sway Balance Testing uses the built-in motion sensors on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod device to administer a medical grade objective balance test. Sway’s proprietary algorithms measure reaction time in response to a user’s movement of a mobile device, identifying the earliest intentional movement as a response to a stimulus. The Sway test is verified as reliable and valid in extensive product verification and comparison studies, providing the first and only FDA-cleared mobile balance test. The Sway Web Portal stores and analyzes test data, allowing for in-depth reporting with dynamic digital or printed reports of each patient. Sway reports can then be used to provide feedback to patients and other providers, to track progress and to better manage outcomes.
Other Treatments Involve:
Chiropractic adjustments to restore function of the neck and suboccipital region, which are often affected with head injury and result in headaches and neck stiffness
Physical Rehabilitation to restore strength and muscle symmetry as well as postural changes
Muscle stimulation to reduce muscle tension, inflammation, asymmetry and promote healing Neurological rehab to re-connect brain and cervical spine signaling, often associated with headaches, vertigo/dizziness, spatial awareness issues, disconnected feelings
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitative stretching to retrain muscle groups and improve feedback to the brain (afferentation)