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Madelaine Karanevich, APRN

Madelaine Karanevich, a dedicated Nurse Practitioner specializing in orthopedic care, brings a wealth of experience and a heartfelt commitment to patient-centered healthcare. Born and raised in Wichita, KS, Madelaine has deep roots in her community, which have shaped her compassionate approach to care. She pursued her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Kansas, graduating in 2019, where she developed a strong clinical foundation and a passion for holistic healthcare.

After working as a registered nurse, Madelaine advanced her training at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, earning her Master of Science in Nursing and becoming a certified Nurse Practitioner in 2023. Her extensive education and diverse experience have equipped her with the skills to manage a wide range of health conditions, particularly focusing on work-related and sports injuries.

Now residing in Kansas City with her husband, Madelaine is an integral part of the team at Restore Muscle and Joint. She specializes in working with patients from the Department of Labor and OWCP, expertly navigating the complexities of work-related injuries and helping patients through their recovery journey.

Madelaine collaborates closely with a multidisciplinary team including chiropractors, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, and other healthcare professionals to ensure her patients receive comprehensive and personalized care. She is inspired by the connections and relationships she builds with her patients, which drive her dedication to her work. Known for her empathetic and thorough approach, she takes the time to educate patients about their conditions and treatment options, ensuring they feel informed and involved in their healthcare decisions.

In her personal life, Madelaine enjoys walking her two Goldendoodles, Maisel and Milo, and cherishes quality time with family and friends. She often attends live music events and enjoys cooking for loved ones, and looks forward to her monthly book club meetings.

Madelaine looks forward to helping individuals achieve optimal orthopedic health through compassionate and expert care, inspired by the meaningful relationships she builds with her patients.


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